Mensa is a non-profit organization that restricts membership to a select few of highly intelligent people. Members must score at the 98th percentile or higher on a supervised intelligence test. In layman's terms, you've got to be extremely smart to get into the club. Which leads us to the story of a future member to this select group of brilliant minds, Garry Michael Wilson of Hartselle, AL.
Mr. Wilson apparently thought it would be a good idea to steal a car. Now, if I was ever going to steal a car I would look for a couple of things. First, it needs to be valuable. No use in stealing a 88' Bonneville. Second, it has to be easily accessible. The owner shouldn't be around when the theft occurs. Finally, you need to be able to drive the car. Sounds pretty solid if you ask me.
Let's see how Garry did with my simple requirements. First, he decided to steal a BMW Z3. That's valuable enough so check. Second, the car was easily accessible since it was located at a neighbor's house on the same street Mr. Wilson lived on. That's accessible enough so check. Finally, the BMW Z3 had a manual transmission. One problem, Garry doesn't know how to drive a stick so no check. He managed to get two blocks before being caught by neighbors and the owner. By the way, they were on foot!
Kudos to the Hartselle school system for turning out this prize.