Alabamians are typically stereotyped as redneck, uneducated, and willing to whup somebodies ass over something as small as an unkept yard. Well here's a story that backs up that stereotype, and it has a sweet video of a minor ass whippin. That is if you can watch the video from your work. Some workplaces don't allow you to stream video at your work. Can you believe that?
Anyway the unkept yard guy had it coming to him. Can you believe his excuse? "I just got my tractor fixed", what kind of moron has a broken down tractor in the middle of summer. Fix the damn thing man! You got grass to cut. Not only that, he's got bushes and thickets growed up in his yard, it's a health hazard to kids! Does the man not realize that North America has 4 species of poisonous snakes, and all can be found here in Alabama?
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