Monday, May 5, 2008

Decision 2008 "No NCAA" or "Choo Choo"?

I don't think the Fathers of our country had this in mind, but in the race for U.S. Senate in the state of Alabama, we have some tough decisions to make. Do we vote for the incumbent, the comparitively boring Jeff Sessions? Sure, he's a two term Senator and all, but he doesn't have the "it" factor like a few of the candiates.
Take for example, Earl Mack Gavin (R- Smiths Station), who has run for public office before using the name "Choo Choo". But wait, it gets even better. Gavin picked up the name from co-workers, because of "his ability to mimic train sounds". Uh-huh, I'm sure that's why they called you Choo Choo. They were actually being kind, because if I had a co-worker that was constantly making train sounds, I could think of lots worse to call him.
Tough decisions are also present in the Democratic primary, with the candidacy of Mark Townsend (his website) who is choosing to run as "No NCAA". Townsend has run for public office before, and used the alias "Rodeo Clown". He actually placed 3rd out of 5 in the 2002 Alabama Democratic gubernatorial race. (Who were the two losers that got beat by Rodeo Clown?)
I have a soft spot for Choo Choo, but I don't think Alabama could be served wrong by electing a man from Haleyville. After all, the lovely hamlet has given us 911, Guthrie's chicken fingers, psychotic high school fans who beat up referees, and yours truly. I'm proud to have been born in Burdick West, and even prouder that family was living 20 miles away in Hamilton.

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