Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Go ahead and mark your calendars for Aug. 24 and 25th

UFO Days at Fyffe are back again. The sleepy little hamlet nestled in Sand Mountain is ready to celebrate their past by remembering a time when "Unidentified Flying Objects were sighted by numerous citizens in the area". I would love to give some legitimacy to the Fyffe community and their UFO sightings, but this is also the area famous for it's snake handlers. So just suppose that during a prayer meeting some parishioner's got a little sloppy handling the ol' timber rattler, and Mr. No-shoulders got him a little bite. Well Jimmy Earl and Linda Sue leave church in a venom induced haze and they see some flashing lights. I think I'm gonna need a little more than a that to convince me to go to Fyffe.
After checking out their web page, i've always been bothered that here in the Bible belt we allow high schools to have nicknames like the "devils". I can kinda see Blue Devils, because that implies maybe a friendlier devil. But when your fronting the Red Devils, you are sorta asking for the blessings of Big Red. Maybe I'm being a little too conservative, their website depicts a rather friendly version of the dark one.

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